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      Lower Oder Valley National Park
      Water labyrinth and large theatre

      In Schwedt/Oder, on the old arm oft the oder, guests will find everything they are looking for: fun and outdoor pools, theaters and cinemas, various shopping and supply options, open churches and galleries, themed museums, cafés and restaurants. Immerse yourself in the 745-year history of today’s modern city on one of the city tours. The Schwedter Margraves and tobacco cultivation shaped the city in the past. Traces can still be found today in an impressive way. Schwedt is diversity – on the one hand modern business location, on the other hand a city full of history and culture. And right outside the city gates, the national park awaits discovery.

      The awakening spring attracts noisy flocks of birds to the flooded Oderaue.
      Wild birds and quail kings rest here in the damp meadows and reed beds.
      Even eagles are circling.
      In summer, after the natural fall of the water from the flood polders, you can explore the lowlands by bike or on foot on small circular trails.
      Let yourself be fascinated by the splendour of flowers on the old arms of the Oder.

      In autumn, the lowlands often sink into dense fog. Once again, large flocks of birds migrate through the valley. Now over 100,000 ducks, geese, swans and up to 10,000 cranes rest in the Lower Oder Valley. Cold, quiet winter days invite you to relax. The soundless ice flow of the Oder, the pastures covered with frost are particularly atmospheric.

      In this unique landscape, every season has its very own charms. Ideal for short or extended hikes and bike tours. Or dare a change of perspective. From a canoe, the world of the National Park seems even more mysterious. Trained tour guides will guide you through the wilderness of the water labyrinth with lots of interesting information about flora and fauna.

      The castle and Lenné Park in Criewen shine in their old, new splendour. The ensemble with its buildings now houses the administration, shop and visitor centre of the Lower Oder Valley National Park. In the visitor centre, the National Park House, you can literally “grasp” the past, present and future of the Lower Oder Valley. Touching and participating are expressly encouraged.

      Every year, the Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt create a link between culture and nature with their Park Festival and the National Park as a backdrop. Laugh, sing, marvel is the motto here. And on Easter Saturday you are cordially invited to 10 years of “Faust on Faust”, Goethe’s tragedies in one day.

      Entdecken Sie unser „Land im und am Strom“.

      Singschwantage im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal

      Faust auf Faust“, Goethes Tragödien an einem Tag, Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt

      „Tour de Natur“ Radfahrevent im Nationalpark UnteresOdertal

      „Im Bannfluch der Göttin“, Parkfestspiele, Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt Schwedter Mittsommernacht – Volksfest

      Tabakblütenfest Vierraden

      Ende September:
      Schwedter Oktoberfest
      Kranichwoche im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal

      Schwedter Stollenmarkt


      Wildnis³ (Wildnis hoch drei)
      Erleben Sie einen Hauch von Wildnis und erkunden Sie auf drei Etappen den gesamten Nationalpark Unteres Odertal. Zu Fuß, per Rad und per Kanu, auf eigene Faust oder geführt. Weitere Informationen: Tel. (03332) 2559-0, www.unteres-odertal.de


      • 4 Übernachtung mit Frühstück
      • 1 Tageswanderung mit Picknick
      • 1 Tagestour mit dem Rad
      • 1 geführte Kanutour
      • Tourenbeschreibung und Kartenmaterial
      • Gepäcktransport

      ab 299,- € pro Person im DZ
      Verlängerungsnächte oder „Faulenzer-Tag“ beliebig zubuchbar.

      MOMENTUM Tourismus und Citymanagement Region Schwedt-Nationalpark Unteres Odertal
      Vierradener Straße 31
      16303 Schwedt/Oder
      Tel.: 03332 25590 Fax: 03332 2559 59